Soil and landscape studies in Western Aaustralia

The nature of the valley forms, and associated superficial deposits and soils of the South‐West Drainage Division of Western Australia are described. All the major rivers tap interior palaeo‐drainage lines associated with chains of salt lakes; thereafter, downstream, there is a succession of valley forms which are progressively more sharply incised and of steeper gradient. It is shown that this succession is repeated in all major rivers. The main palaeo‐drainage systems are named for the first time, and their catchments delineated. The changes in valley form which occur downstream of the palaeo‐drainage lines are interpreted as stages in rejuvenation of drainage of the epeiro‐genically uplifted Old Plateau of Western Australia. The relationship between the valley forms and patterns of distribution of soils, deeply weathered profiles and superficial deposits is described, and its agricultural, geochemical and hydrological significance briefly discussed.