Copper and Iron in the Blood Serum of Dairy Cows

Observations were obtained on normal values for blood serum Cu, serum Fe, Hb, and red cell vol. in dairy cows. In a 43 factorial design, influence of breed (Ayrshire, Holstein, Guernsey, and Jersey) and age (4-6 mo., 12-18 mo,, 2-2.5 yrs., 4-7 yrs.) were studied with one animal in each breed-age class. Samples were obtained from all animals 4 times between Jan. 2, 1942 and Mar. 26, c946. No evidence was obtained that serum Fe changes with age. Serum Cu increased significantly with age, varying from 85-114 [gamma]/IOO ml. of serum. Both Hb and cell volume increased with age, ranging from 9.08-10.64 g./100 ml. of blood and 29.37-34.53%, respectively. There was no significant difference among breeds with respect to any of the measurements. For all measurements except cell vol. there was a pronounced variation from date to date. This variation was irregular, with ranges as follows: serum Fe, 130.3 to 183.9 [gamma]/100 ml.; serum Cu, 87.8 to 116.3 [gamma]/100 ml.; Hb, 9.44-10.07 g./lOO ml.; and red cell vol., 30.94-32.94%. No evidence was obtained that serum Fe and Cu were correlated. The mean values obtained for serum Fe, serum Cu, Hb and cell vol. were 100 [gamma]/100 ml., 162 [gamma]/103 ml., 9.9 g./lOO ml. and 32% of total vol., respectively.