A New Method for the Continuous Monitoring of Blood Glucose by Measurement of Dissolved Oxygen

Glucose concentration may be determined enzymatically by a glucose-oxidase procedure in which the amount of oxygen depletion from a solution saturated with oxygen is observed. The difference between the initial and final oxygen levels as detected by a polarographic oxygen analyzer is a measure of glucose concentration. Blood is sampled continuously by means of a double-lumen catheter inserted into an arm vein and connected to the flow system. A peristaltic proportioning pump then propels glucose-oxidase reagent and the blood-heparin mixture through a dialyzer. The reagent-dialysate mixture passes through a 1-min. delay coil before passing to the polarographic oxygen sensor. Glucose concentration is proportional to the oxygen depletion in the mixture flowing past the sensor. The studies outlined in this paper describe work directed towards the development of a miniature system intended for continuous monitoring and control of blood-glucose level.