AFM Study of the Elastin-like Biopolymer Poly(ValGlyGlyValGly)

In this paper, we report an AFM study on the supramolecular structures adopted by the synthetic polypentapeptide poly(ValGlyGlyValGly), whose monomeric sequence is an abundant, simple building block of elastin. The polypeptide was analyzed by deposition from both methanolic and aqueous suspensions, showing different behaviors. In methanol, the polypeptide is able to evolve, in a time-dependent way, from layers to ribbons to beaded filaments. When the equilibrium is reached, the formation of well-defined dendritic structures is also observed. This restructuring of the polypentapeptide seems to be reminiscent of a sort of Rayleigh instability. When deposited from aqueous suspensions, the polypeptide self-assembles either in fibrillar networks or in amyloid-like patterns, both of them being found in elastin or elastin-related polypeptides. As a general finding, poly(ValGlyGlyValGly) seems to constitute an excellent mimetic of the supramolecular properties of native elastin.