L552S, an alternatively spliced isoform of XAGE-1, is over-expressed in lung adenocarcinoma

Using a combination of cDNA subtraction and microarray analysis, we report here the identification and characterization of L552S, an over-expressed, alternatively spliced isoform of XAGE-1 in lung adenocarcinoma. Real-time RT–PCR analysis shows that L552S is expressed at levels greater than 10-fold in 12 of 25 lung adenocarcinoma tumors compared with the highest expression level found in all normal tissues tested. L552S is expressed in both early and late stages of lung adenocarcinoma, but it was not detected in large cell carcinoma, small cell carcinoma, or atypical lung neuroendocrine carcinoid. The full-length cDNA for L552S comprises 770 bp and encodes a polypeptide of 160 amino acids. C-terminal 94 amino acids of L552S are identical to a cancer testis antigen, XAGE-1, found in Ewing's sarcoma. Genomic sequence analysis has revealed that L552S and XAGE-1 are alternatively spliced isoforms, and expression of both L552S and XAGE-1 isoforms are present in lung adenocarcinoma. Immunohistochemistry analysis using affinity purified L552S polyclonal antibodies demonstrated specific nuclear staining in 10 of 12 lung adenocarcinoma samples. Furthermore, antibody responses to recombinant L552S protein were observed in seven of 17 lung pleural effusion fluids of lung cancer patients. These results strongly imply that L552S protein is immunogenic and suggest that it might have use as a vaccine target for lung cancer.