An algorithm for generation of implant plans for high‐dose‐rate irradiators

An algorithm is described for generating a treatment plan with minimal imput from the user for a remote high-dose-rate afterloading irradiator. The algorithm generates a plan after locating all catheters involved and an area of interest on each catheter, and two additional numbers are specified: a radial distance and a rarget dose. The treatment volume becomes the locus of all points that are within the specified radial distance from any point within the area of interest on any catheter (except for the end points). For a single catheter, the volume may be alternately outlined on an x-ray film of the implant. The routine uses a linear programming formulism to compute which dwell positions are to be used, as well as the dwell time at each position, to irradiate the treatment volume to the target dose while minimizing the total volume integrated dose to the patient.

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