Inherited Deficiencies of the Late-Acting Complement Components Other than C9 Found among Healthy Blood Donors

Among sera from 145,640 healthy blood donors in Osaka, 16 were found to have abnormalities in late-acting complement components other than C9. It was found that of these 16 sera, 2 were deficient in C5, 4 in C6, 6 in C7 and 4 in the C8 α-γ-subunit. The incidence of deficiency of each component among the Osaka blood donors was calculated as follows: C5 deficiency, 0.0014%; C6 deficiency, 0.0027%; C7 deficiency, 0.0041 %; C8 α-γ-subunit deficiency, 0.0027%. We confirmed that 13 donors were healthy and 12 had no past history related to a complement component deficiency. From these results, not only C9 deficiency but also deficiencies of the other late-acting complement components were found among the healthy blood donors, but no early-acting component deficiencies were noted.