Tolosa-Hunt Syndrome

• Diagnosis of Tolosa-Hunt syndrome was made in a 25-year-old woman on the basis of unilateral third and sixth nerve paresis and possible involvement of the first branch of the ipsilateral trigeminal nerve, accompanied by headaches and ocular pain, which responded promptly to corticosteroid administration. Irregular narrowing of the right carotid siphon and occlusion of the homolateral superior ophthalmic vein were observed. During steroid therapy this stenosis improved in association with almost complete clinical recovery, although the vein was not recanalized. Of ten reported cases with contrast radiographic abnormalities, including our own, only two showed pupillary involvement. We hypothesize that the third nerve paresis with pupillary sparing in this syndrome may be attributable to the same underlying mechanism as that of diabetic ophthalmoplegia.