Integrated optical 2 /spl times/ 2 switch for wavelength multiplexed interconnects

A highly compact integrated optical switch is proposed and demonstrated for broadband optical switching applications. Routing of 8 /spl times/ 10 Gb/s data channels is demonstrated using a low-cost 1250-Mb/s control scheme. The advantages of lossless operation, broad optical bandwidth, and nanosecond switching times are leveraged. Multichannel wavelength is exploited for reduced latency, enhanced capacity, and functionality, while retaining compatibility with existing off-the-shelf electronics and transceiver technology. The requirements for optical header processing, wavelength translation, and optical buffering are avoided. Low-penalty multiwavelength transmission is demonstrated for a highly compact sub-mm/sup 2/ amplifying 2 /spl times/ 2 switch. Pattern dependent gain and amplified spontaneous emission are minimized to facilitate 0.0-0.4 dB penalty. Mitigation techniques compatible with the architecture are deployed to reduce the penalty under adverse operating conditions. Control schemes are proposed and demonstrated to facilitate 8 /spl times/ 10 Gb/s optically switched networking.