(E)-10-Hexadecenal, a Sex Pheromone Component of the Yellow Peach Moth, Dichocrocis punctiferalis GUENEE (Lepidoptera : Pyralidae)

A sex pheromone of the fruit-feeding type of yellow peach moth, D. punctiferalis Guenee, was detected in the female abdominal tip extracts and identified as (E)-10-hexadecenal by means of GLC, mass spectrometry, ozonolysis and electroantennography. In laboratory male-trapping tests, the synthetic compound showed a significant attractiveness, and 10 ng was equivalent to 1 live virgin female in attractiveness to the males. In field tests traps baited with this compound alone caught only a few males, but a mixture of (E)- and (Z)-10-hexadecenal at a ratio of 9:1 caught 4 times as many. (Z)-10-hexadecenal was suggested to be a minor component of the sex pheromone of D. punctiferalis. Males of the Pinaceae-leaf-feeding type of D. punctiferalis were also captured by traps baited with the mixture at ratios of 9:1 and 8:2. Males of D. chlorophanta (Pyralidae) were also captured in traps baited with (E)-10-hexadecenal alone.