Elastic properties of three-dimensional percolation networks with stretching and bond-bending forces

We report the results of the first numerical simulations of elastic properties of three-dimensional percolation networks in which both central and bond-bending forces are present. Using extensive Monte Carlo simulations and finite-size scaling analysis and taking into account corrections to scaling, we find f3.78 with an error of about 3%, where f is the critical exponent that characterizes the power-law behavior of the elastic moduli near the percolation threshold Pc. This agrees excellently with the experimental measurements of f for sintered materials and for gels near the gelation point. It also agrees with the relation f=t+2v, where t is the critical exponent of the electrical conductivity of the network, and v the correlation-length exponent. Also studied is the ratio of the bulk and shear modulus of the system. As Pc is approached, this ratio approaches a value close to 4/3.