Measurements of some line positions and strengths in the ν4 region of SF6

Absolute ’’line strength’’ measurements with a diode laser spectrometer are reported for a number of J‐manifolds for ν4 of SF6 in the gas phase. These results are analyzed to obtain the ν4 vibrational band strength: S0VA= (83±11 km mole−1. A critical discussion is presented of errors in line and band strength measurements in general, and of these results in particular. The experimental procedure was calibrated by measurements on several rotational lines in ν2 of N2O; the vibrational band strength derived for that transition in N2O is S0V=A=7.71±0.76 km mole−1, in excellent agreement with the literature value from total integrated band area measurements. The measured value for S0V for ν4 of SF6 is compared with literature values, and the discrepancy is discussed.