N-induced (2×3) reconstruction of Cu(110): Evidence for long-range, highly directional interaction between Cu-N-Cu bonds

The scanning-tunneling-microscope (STM) topographies taken from a N-induced (2×3) reconstructed Cu(110) surface provide unique information, which offers the basis for an explanation of the peculiar fact that every third 〈110〉 row is missing and also confirm in detail the structural model inferred from recent ion-scattering measurements. The close analysis of STM images with atomic resolution taken from both ordered (2×3) domains and local defective arrangements evidences the existence of long-range, highly directional interactions between Cu-N-Cu bonds, which seems to determine ultimately the nature of the reconstruction. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.43.12619 © 1991 The American Physical Society