DURING the past century postmortem examinations of certain mentally deficient, spastic, or epileptic patients have frequently revealed unusual and bizarre gross alterations of the brain of obscure origin. It has been obvious that such lesions must have resulted from some pathologic process in early, perhaps even in intrauterine, life, but the nature of that process has remained the subject of much uncertainty and conjecture. The variable symptomatology usually manifested itself in infancy, at times in the period immediately following birth. The course was usually progressive, leading to death within a few months or years. At times, however, the patient survived for a considerable interval of time. The lesions exposed at autopsy presented such widely divergent structural alterations that, on the basis of these variances, the numerous students of the problem were inclined to construct an entire series of clinical entities. With the exception of true congenital malformations and degenerative disorders

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