Complement Lysis of Resealed Red Cell Membrane Ghosts Pretreated with Glutaraldehyde

To investigate the effect of extensive cross-linkage of membrane proteins on the susceptibility of the membrane to complement (C) lysis, resealed sheep erythrocyte membrane ghosts (M) containing 3H-inulin or 3H-Dextran 20 were treated with glutaraldehyde (gl). The release of these marker molecules by the action of antibody (A) and C was then measured and compared to controls not treated with gl. There was an increase in C-induced release over a wide range of gl concentrations with guinea pig or human serum but not with rabbit serum. Most experiments were carried out with 0.25% gl, which caused a profound increment in the rate of marker release. MglAC1-7 treated with human C8 and C9 underwent more release than MAC1-7, but the difference diminished with high C8 concentrations. Gl treatment did not alter the number of 125I-C8 molecules that bind to M containing the first seven C components. Upon Sephadex G-200 chromatography, the Dextran 20 released by C from MglA was found to contain large molecules that were not present in the material released from MA. Because gl causes extensive cross-linkage of the membrane proteins, we conclude that they play no essential role in the production of the primary C lesion. Therefore, in biologic membranes the lipid bilayer constitutes the primary site of the C attack mechanism, as shown previously with artificial membranes. The studies also demonstrate that gl-induced cross-linkage of proteins and certain phospholipids results in membranes that upon reaction with C develop larger or more stable primary C lesions than native membranes.