Fragmentation of human polymorphonuclear-leucocyte collagenase

Human polymorphonuclear-leucocyte collagenase (M(r) 64,000) shows autoproteolytic degradation to two major fragments of M(r) 40,000 and M(r) 27,000. N-terminal sequence data and investigation of the substrate specificity of the fragments demonstrate that the M(r)-40,000 fragment corresponds to the catalytic domain, whereas the M(r0-27,000 fragment shows no enzymic activity. The activity profile of the M(r)-40,000 fragment is comparable with the specificity of the intact active collagenase (M(r) 64,000), but the ability to cleave collagen was lost. The enzymic activity of this fragment can be inhibited by either tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP)-1 or recombinant TIMP-2 in a 1:1 molar ratio. The C-terminal part of the enzyme (M(r) 27,000), important for the binding reaction with collagen substrates, is involved in collagenolysis.