Branching Pattern of Pulmonary Arterial Tree in Anesthetized Dogs

The geometry of the pulmonary arterial tree of six adult dogs was measured by a high-speed, volume-scanning, X-ray tomographic technique. After the dogs were anesthetized a catheter was advanced to the right ventricular outlfow tract and 2 mL/kg Renovist contrast agent injected rapidly. During the subsequent pulmonary arterial phase of the angiogram the dogs were scanned. Three-dimensional geometry of the pulmonary arterial tree was measured in terms of vessel segment cross-sectional area, branching angles and interbranch segment lengths along axial pathways. The effect of lung inflation and phase of the cardiac cycle on geometry was shown to be most marked on vessel cross-sectional area. The geometric branching patterns in all dogs were similar. The observed, in-vivo branching pattern behaved somewhat like the branching pattern predicted from optimized models proposed by Murray [4, 5], Zamir [10, 11] and Uylings [7].

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