In the surgical service of the U. S. Army Base Hospital at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, I became deeply interested in a case of draining lung abscess associated with enormous enlargement of the hands and feet, with ossifying periostitis of certain long bones and with fluid in the knee joints, evidently a case of subacute infectious osteo-arthritis. REPORT OF CASE Clinical Picture. —March 20, 1919, I found a young man having the appearance of a chronic invalid, but he was not confined to bed. He was rather pale and slightly emaciated. His facial expression was listless and dejected. Speech and mentality were rather slow. He had a chronic cough which occurred in paroxysms with the production of moderate amounts of thick, tenacious, mucopurulent sputum, at times streaked with blood, with a musty but not offensive odor. Most striking was the enlargement of the hands and feet, the hands resembling huge,