Chemical Composition of Antigen 60 from Mycobacterium bovis BCG

Antigen 60 (A60). the main thermostable immunogen of tuberculin and PPD. has been purified from Mycobacterium bovis BCG cytoplasm, and identified by crossed Immunoelectrophoresis with anti-BCG polyclonal antiserum. Two A60 fractions, free lipids and lipid-conjugated compounds, have been recognized. The free lipids represented about 30% (dry weight), and consisted essentially of C16-C18, fatly acids, and of phosphatidyl-inositol-mannosides. Lipocon-jugates, upon DEAE-cellulose chromatography and gel filtration, yielded two main fractions of neutral and polar components. Chromatography of delipidated and deproieinizd A60 on Sephadex G-100yielded: a high molecular weight fraction (Al, 18%, a lipoglucan of ± 106) and a low molecular weight fraction (B, 10%, a lipopeptidoglycan of ± 104) containing mannose, glucose, and small amount of arabinose. The polysaccharide moieties of fractions Al and B were submitted to aeetylalion, methylation, and acid hydrolysis, and ihe structure of the hydrolysed polymer was deduced by combined gas chromalography/mass spectrometry analysis. The results indicated a branched structure involving 1. 4-, 1, 6-, and 1, 4, 6-linked D-gluco- or n-manno-pyranosyl residues. Glucan- and peptidoglycan-bound fatty acids were identified as saturated (C16-C18) and monounsaturated linear acids (C12, C18). Immunodiffusion on agarose gel indicated that delipidalion and proteolysis did not suppress the ability of A60 to yield immunoprrecipitates with anti -A60 antiserum. The high polymer fractions obtained by chromatography on DEAF cellulose and Sephadex G-100 were also reactive. It is concluded that A60 is made of tree lipids and of hpopcptidoglycans of high molecular weights (106-107) endowed with immunogenic properties.