Angiography of upper extremity access fistulas for dialysis.

A total of 125 cases of upper extremity internal arteriovenous and graft fistulas were reviewed. Clinical problems requiring study were poor fistula flow during dialysis, difficulty in cannulation, diminished graft pulsations, extremity edema or varicosities, the appearance of pulsatile or nonpulsatile masses in the graft or fistula and distal ischemia. Angiography demonstrated venous occlusion (13 cases), venous stenosis at or near the anastomotic site (32 case), thrombi within shunts (9 cases), venous aneurysms or pseudoaneurysms related to either proximal obstruction or traumatic dialysis (23 cases), distal venous overdistenion due to proximal obstruction or overcirculation (15 cases) and radial artery steal of blood from the distal extremity (15 cases). The causes and predisposing factors leading to the complications are presented along with a discussion of the angiographic techniques that were used.