Consequences of behavioral dynamics for the population dynamics of predator‐prey systems with switching

This article explores how different mechanisms governing the rate of change of the predator's preference alter the dynamics of predator‐prey systems in which the predator exhibits positive frequency‐dependent predation. The models assume that individuals of the predator species adaptively adjust a trait that determines their relative capture rates of each of two prey species. The resulting switching behavior does not instantaneously attain the optimum for current prey densities, but instead lags behind it. Several mechanisms producing such lags are discussed and modeled. In all cases examined, our question is whether a realistic behavioral lag can significantly change the dynamics of the system relative to an analogous case in which the predator's switching is effectively instantaneous. We also explore whether increasing the rate parameters of dynamic models of behavior results in convergence to the population dynamics of analogous models with instantaneous switching, and whether different behavioral models produce similar population dynamics. The analysis concentrates on systems that undergo endogenously generated predator‐prey cycles in the absence of switching behavior. The average densities and the nature of indirect interactions are often sensitive to the rate of behavioral change, and are often qualitatively different for different classes of behavioral models. Dynamics and average densities can be very sensitive to small changes in parameters of either the prey growth or predator switching functions. These differences suggest that an understanding of switching in natural systems will require research into the behavioral mechanisms that govern lags in the response of predator preference to changes in prey density.
Funding Information
  • Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science