Field potentials have been recorded in the torus semicircularis of the toad, Bufo marinus, in response to brief tones presented in the free field. The amplitude of the potentials varied with the frequency of the stimulus and location of the electrode along the rostro-caudal axis of the torus. All frequencies in the auditory range evoked largest potentials when the stimulus was located in the contralateral auditory field. Potentials evoked by low to mid frequencies were largest when the stimulus was located near the line orthogonal to the long axis of the animal. For progressively higher frequencies, the optimal stimulus position was progressively more anterior in the contralateral field. In animals in which one eighth nerve had been sectioned, field potentials evoked by tones of low to mid frequency were less sensitive to changes in stimulus direction than in normal animals. However, the directional sensitivity of field potentials evoked by mid to high frequencies was similar in monaural and normal animals. These observations suggest that binaural neural integration is important in determining the directional sensitivity of field potentials in the torus evoked by low to mid frequencies but not for potentials evoked by mid to high frequencies.