Pancreatic carcinoma accompanied by pseudocyst: Report of two cases

Two cases of pancreatic cancer accompanied by pseudocyst are reported. Case 1 was a 60-year-old man who was admitted to our hospital complaining of left lower abdominal discomfort. A cystic lesion, about 3 cm in diameter, was found in the pancreatic tail by ultrasonography (US) and computed tomography (CT). No signs of chronic pancreatitis were found. At operation, an elastic, hard, white tumor, about 1 cm in diameter, was felt adjacent to the cystic lesion on the duodenal side. Histologically, this tumor was a duct cell carcinoma with an adjacent pseudocyst upstream of the pancreas. Case 2 was a 57-year-old man who complained of back pain and loss of body weight. US and CT examination revealed a cystic lesion, 11×7 cm in size, in the tail of the pancreas. Histological examination of the resected speciment revealed both a duct cell carcinoma, 3 cm in size, in the body of the pancreas and a pseudocyst, 9 cm in size. Pseudocysts accompanying carcinoma are thought to develop from obstruction of the pancreatic duct by the carcinoma, followed by intraductal high pressure and disruption of ductules upstream of the pancreas. Thus, we should pay careful attention to pseudocyst of the pancreas, especially when signs of diffuse chronic inflammation cannot be found, to help identify duct cell carcinoma in the early stage. Further detailed examinations of the cyst fluid or pancreatic juice, such as cytology, tumor marker determinations, or establishment of K-ras codon 12 mutation, are needed.