Comparison of multimeric plus and minus forms of viroids and virusoids

In order to investigate the mechanism of replication of viroids and virusoids, we have compared the replication intermediates of three members of each group in nucleic acid extracts of infected plants. Viroids were avocado sunblotch viroid (ASBV), citrus exocortis viroid (CEV) and coconut cadang cadang viroid (CCCV). Virusoids were from velvet tobacco mottle virus (VTMoV), solanum nodiflorum mottle virus (SNMV) and lucerne transient streak virus (LTSV). Analysis of intermediates was by the Northern hybridization technique with single-strand DNA and RNA probes prepared from recombinant DNA clones. The results obtained are discussed in terms of current models of viroid and virusoid replication. The plus RNA species consisted of an oligomeric series up to decamers based on the unit of full-length viroid or virusoid, which was always the major component, except for CEV where only monomer and dimer species were found. In the case of ASBV and the virusoids of VTMoV and SNMV, a minor, multimeric series of components (X-bands) was superimposed on the main oligomeric series. The complementary minus species proved more difficult to detect and characterise, with each viroid and virusoid exhibiting a unique pattern on Northern hybridization. However, they all had greater than unit-length minus species. In addition, minus species analogous to the plus X-bands were found in ASBV and CEV. The experimental difficulties encountered in this work are discussed in terms of the problem of detecting minus species by Northern analysis in the presence of excess complementary plus species.