Structure and magnetic properties of Sm2Fe14Ga3Cx (x=0–2.5) compounds prepared by arc melting

A novel hard magnetic compound series with composition Sm2Fe14Ga3C x (x=0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 2.5) was prepared by arc melting. The carbidescrystallize in the rhombohedral Th2Zn17‐type structure and are single phase except for Sm2Fe14Ga3 and Sm2Fe14Ga3C0.5 which contain some amounts of α‐Fe. The substitution of Ga is found to play an important role in the stability of high carbon rare‐earth ironcompounds with 2:17‐type structure. The Curie temperatures of Sm2Fe14Ga3C x are 200–240 K higher than that of Sm2Fe17. All compounds with x=0–2.5 exhibit an easy c‐axis anisotropy at room temperature. The anisotropy fields increase with increasing carbon concentration from 70 kOe for x=0 to at least 90 kOe for x≥1.5. A room‐temperature coercivity of 15 kOe is obtained in Sm2Fe14Ga3C1.5 prepared by melt spinning at a speed of 30 m/s.