Four different diversity indexes were applied to race survey samples of wheat stem rust (Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici) made annually during 1918-1982 rate survey samples of wheat and screened on the Stakman differential wheat line set for the years 1918-1982. Several kinds of diversity were measured by these indexes, including phenotype number, evenness of frequency, and temporal, summed change in frequency of each phenotype. The trend for all four indexes was downward through the years. Multiple regression analysis established that the contributions of two aspects of diversity, phenotype number and evenness, and a third variable, sample size, to the Gleason, Shannon, and Simpson indexes were different, so that, depending on the nature of the population being sampled, one or other of the diversity indexes should prove to be more appropriate. The ease of computation of these indexes and the complementary nature of the Rogers index to the other three suggest that more than one of them can be applied to more fully describe diversity of a plant pathogen.