Plasmids in Escherichia coli controlling citrate-utilizing ability

The citrate-utilizing ability of 19 out of 22 citrate-positive Escherichia coli strains isolated from pig sewage was transferred via conjugation to E. coli K-12. The conjugal transfer of citrate-utilizing (Cit) abilities was thermosensitive and concurrent with transfer of drug resistance. Weakly citrate-positive colonies were readily obtained in conjugation experiments. Their Cit characters could be transmitted to the other E. coli strains at a similar frequency in the retransfer experiments, and the transconjugants obtained still showed same characteristic growth on Simmons citrate agar plates. The 19 thermosensitive plasmids conferring citrate utilization and drug resistance were Fi-, and 16 of these plasmids belonged to incompatibility group H1. However, occasionally two conjugative plasmids (pOH3122-1 and pOH3124-1) carrying only the citrate utilization were also obtained in the conjugation experiments, and they were Fi+ and compatible with 19 reference R plasmids. In the two citrate-positive E. coli strains, it was suggested that the conjugative Cit plasmid showing Fi+ character and the more thermosensitive H1 plasmid conferring both the Cit character and drug resistance coexisted in the strain. The characterization of citrate utilization plasmids derived from pig farm sewage is discussed.