Scalar sigma meson effects in rho and omega decays into pi0 pi0 gamma

The complementarity between Chiral Perturbation Theory and the Linear Sigma Model in the scalar channel is exploited to study $\pi^0\pi^0$ production in $\rho$ and $\omega$ radiative decays, where the effects of a low mass scalar resonance $\sigma(500)$ should manifest. The recently reported data on $\rho\to\pi^0\pi^0\gamma$ seem to require the contribution of a low mass and moderately narrow $\sigma(500)$. The properties of this controversial state could be fixed by improving the accuracy of these measurements. Data on $\omega\to\pi^0\pi^0\gamma$ can also be accommodated in our framework, but are much less sensitive to the $\sigma(500)$ properties.

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