Seasonal variation in numbers of the rabbit flea on the wild rabbit

Samples of rabbits were obtained throughout each month over the 4-year period 1967–70. All fleas were removed, sexed and counted and the reproductive condition of the rabbits recorded. Rabbit fleas Spilopsyllus cuniculi (Dale) were present on both sexes of rabbit at all times of the year. In each year significantly high numbers of fleas were found on the rabbits in January, February, March and April and significantly low numbers in August, September and October. Mean flea counts were significantly higher on female rabbits than on males during April, May and June. During the rest of the year counts from each sex of host did not differ significantly. There were significant differences in flea numbers between years. More female than male fleas were found on both sexes of host throughout the year. The rabbit population sampled is shown to be typical of post-myxomatosis populations with regard to breeding performance and juvenile mortality. The relationship of the observed patterns of change in flea numbers to host and flea breeding and to host behaviour, population size and structure is discussed.