Global Detection of Symmetry

Two experimental approaches examined observers' ability to characterize shape symmetry based upon the information obtained within a single fixation. Exp. I tested observers' ability to discriminate among three levels of symmetry on the basis of a 25-msec. presentation. Results indicated that identification accuracy was higher for symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes than for mixed shapes, which contained both symmetrical and asymmetrical components. Exp. II tested observers' ability to detect a given level of symmetry by means of a signal-detection approach. Symmetrical shapes were detected better than asymmetrical shapes. Detectability of mixed shapes was lower than that for both symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes. The results of Exps. I and II demonstrate that observers can characterize shape symmetry on the basis of information available within a single fixation. The data are supportive of the hypothesis that a global response to the over-all configuration of the shape serves to facilitate form perception.