Using spatial techniques to decrease message passing in a distributed VE system

In an attempt to reduce the communication costs in a shared distributed virtual environment (VE) system with a large number of participants, we have explored the use of SP* tial interaction techniques. In particular, we have experimented with the notion of an area of interest (AOI) which is dynamically established based on the spatial proximity of participants in the shared space. The work presented here describes an effort to integrate an enhanced aura-based spatial interaction model within the DIVE distributed Virtual Environment system and use this to reduce the overall communication load in the system. By associating light-weight communication groups to AOIS (area of interest), we show how messages are distributed to smaller peer groups, so that overall message pawing is de creaaed. A multi-user application scenario is implemented aa a case study. Real experiments and measurements with the current DIVE system using the scenario were made to validate the interaction model and its implementation. This work waa performed aa a joint research effort between Sony CSL and SICS as part of the Wide Area Virtual Environment (WAVE) project.

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