Characterisation of an adrenal zona glomerulosa-stimulating component of posterior pituitary extracts as α-MSH

The secretion of aldosterone from the zona glomerulosa of the mammalian adrenal cortex is stimulated by ACTH, potassium, angiotensin II and III, growth hormone, serotonin and E series prostaglandins1–7. Some experimental and clinical studies suggest that additional stimulants of the zona glomerulosa must exist, possibly including pituitary factors other than ACTH6,8–13. The possibility that posterior pituitary extracts may contain a zona glomerulosa stimulant was first suggested 20 years ago14,15, but has since received little attention. We describe here the purification from posterior pituitary extracts of activities that stimulate rat glomerulosa cells and whole tissue in vitro. One of the active compounds has been identified as α-MSH (melano-cyte stimulating hormone).