Critical behavior at nematic–smectic-A1phase transtions. II. Preasymptotic three-dimensionalXYanalysis of x-ray andCpdata

X-ray data are reported for the nematic phase near the nematic (N)–smectic-A1(Sm-A1) transition in a binary mixture of pentylphenylcyanobenzoyloxy benzoate (DB5CN)+cyanobenzoyloxypentylstilbene (C5 stilbene). These data and x-ray data from four other N–Sm-A1 systems, plus the corresponding high-resolution Cp data, are analyzed using the exact solutions of preasymptotic three-dimensional (3D) XY theory. The correlation volume ξ ξ2, smectic susceptibility σ, and heat capacity Cp are in good agreement with preasymptotic theoretical predictions. First-order corrections-to-scaling terms were known previously to be important for describing Cp; their importance for ξ ξ2 and σ is demonstrated here. Many universal features of the 3D XY model are confirmed by the present self-consistent analysis, but the critical anisotropy of the individual lengths ξ and ξ and the fact that Cp exhibits a normal XY amplitude ratio rather than the theoretically predicted inverted ratio are still unresolved issues.

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