Investigation of Sex Pheromone Traps for Simultaneous Dectection of Indianmeal Moths and Angoumois Grain Moths123

Eight trap designs were tested for effectiveness in capturing the Indianmeal moth, Plodia Interpunctella (Hübner), and the Angoumois grain moth, Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier). The wing trap captured the most P. interpunctella and was among the 3 traps that captured the most S. cerealella. Baiting a single trap with pheromone of both species had no effect on capture of male P. interpunctella, but the presence of P. interpunctella pheromone may reduce captures of S. cerealella. Presence of competing sexually receptive females did not reduce the effectiveness of traps baited with the sex pheromones. Of the several pheromone release rates used, 2750 ng/h for P. interpunctella pheromone and 77 ng/h for S. cerealella pheromone gave the best trap catches.