Many companies are working very hard to achieve high quality goods and services and using them as competitive advantages in their businesses. In the 1990s, there are two main subjects on quality that capture the attention of most businesses in the world: namely, the International Quality Management Standard ISO 9000 and total quality management (TQM). Much publicity and promotion have accompanied these two subjects. It is like a fire in the forest among the industrialized nations. Attempts to find out what is so special about ISO 9000 and TQM and why it is necessary for industries and businesses to acquire them. There are four main parts. First, the current thinking on and development of ISO 9000 and TQM are summarized. Then, the rationale of going for ISO 9000 and TQM are established. This is enhanced by numerous examples. Next, the relationships between ISO 9000 and TQM are discussed. Finally, a framework for implementation of either scheme is suggested based on well‐founded research.

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