Chlorpromazine in the Management of Acute Alcoholic States

Clinical studies of chlorpromazine hydrochloride demonstrate that this drug is of outstanding value in the treatment of acute alcoholism. It consistently eliminates nausea and motor agitation immedi- ately after parenteral administration. There is no stupor. This permits oral use of fluids and nourishment. These conclusions are derived from the study of a fully controlled series of 168 patients. This drug is far superior to any other presently known treatment. Side effects were minimal. Orthostatic hypotension, occasionally of severe degree, was readily controlled. Average initial dose was 150 mg intramuscularly followed by 50 mg orally every 6 hours. All treated patients and all patients in the control series were cases of delirium tremens or other severe, acutely toxic alcoholic states. All were recovered or off medication in an average of 2-3 days. There is no habituatio.