Genoprevalence of TT virus among clinical and auxiliary UK dental healthcare workers: a pilot study

In 1997 a new human hepatotropic virus, TT virus (TTV), was identified. The clinical significance of TT virus infection remains unclear. To undertake an initial evaluation of the genoprevalence of TTV DNA among health care workers in the United Kingdom. A UK dental hospital. The sera of 53 dental healthcare workers (9 dentists, 14 dental nurses and 30 office staff) were tested for the presence of TTV DNA using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). TT virus DNA was detected in 3 out of 53 (5.7%) samples. This frequency of TTV carriage is similar to that of blood donors and healthy persons in the UK. The present data suggest that dental healthcare workers in the UK are not at increased risk of nosocomial acquisition of TT virus.