It is demonstrated that the KdV equation with nonuniformities, ut+a(t)u+(b(x,t)u)x +c(t)uux+d(t)uxxx +e(x,t)=0, has the Painlevé property if the compatibility condition among the coefficients of it holds: bt+(a−Lc)b+bbx +dbxxx =2ah+hL(d/c2)+(dh/dt)+ce +x[2a2+aL(d3/c4)+(da/dt) +L(d/c)L(d/c2)+(d/dt)L(d/c)], where L=(d/dt)lg and h(t) is an arbitrary function of t. The auto-Bäcklund transformation and Lax pairs for this equation are obtained by truncating the Laurent expansion. Furthermore, assuming the compatibility condition, then the KdV equation with nonuniformities is transformable, via suitable variable transformations, to the standard KdV.