A history of research on arbuscular mycorrhiza

This is not a review paper in the traditional sense, of which there are many. Three of the most influential reviews that summarized well some of the “older” literature include those by Nicolson (1967), Gerdemann (1968) and Mosse (1973). Instead, in this brief and incomplete work, we attempt to show the historical development of research on arbuscular mycorrhizas. We owe much to those who have written other historical accounts, including Rayner (1926–1927), Trappe and Berch (1985), Mosse (1985), Schenck (1985), Harley (1991) and Allen (1996), but the contents of this work naturally reflect our own ignorance, interests and biases. It was often difficult to distinguish between the historical and the contemporary, and we did not use any specific cutoff date in making this distinction. The degree to which we include “contemporary” literature was determined by our own assessment of its connectedness to older literature. In any case, we hope this will be of some interest to those of you who study the arbuscular mycorrhiza, and that it will serve the purpose of providing what we consider to be an important historical context for current researchers. We wish you good fortune in your research.