O-GLYCBASE version 2.0: a revised database of O-glycosylated proteins

O-GLYCBASE is an updated database of information on glycoproteins and their O-linked glycosylation sites. Entries are compiled and revised from the literature, and from the SWISS-PROT database. Entries include information about species, sequence, glycosylation sites and glycan type. O-GLYCBASE is now fully cross-referenced to the SWISS-PROT, PIR, PROSITE, PDB, EMBL, HSSP, LISTA and MIM databases. Compared with version 1.0 the number of entries have increased by 34%. Revision of the O-glycan assignment was performed on 20% of the entries. Sequence logos displaying the acceptor specificity patterns for the GalNAc, mannose and GlcNAc transferases are shown. The O-GLYCBASE database is available through WWW or by anonymous FTP.