Management of boys with nonpalpable undescended testis

During the past 15 years, there has been extensive international research in boys with nonpalpable testis. However, the question of what the gold-standard treatment for this disorder should be still remains. This Review assesses the current data on this disorder. Cryptorchidism is one of the most common genitourinary disorders in young boys. Although the management of boys with palpable testis is standardized, there are no formal guidelines for the management of boys with nonpalpable testis. In this Review we look at the current trends in the diagnosis and treatment of this disorder, as well as the indications for therapy and surgical procedures. On the basis of current evidence, we find that there is no optimum orchidopexy technique for the treatment of intra-abdominal testis, although it is preferable to adopt techniques that preserve the spermatic vessels. We also briefly examine the follow-up of patients with this disorder and its common complications. As yet, there are no data that assess the potential of laparoscopic orchidopexy being a risk factor for impaired fertility later in life.