A Structural Equations Model of Stress, Locus of Control, Social Support, Psychiatric Symptoms, and Propensity to Leave a Job

The main effects of (a) job stress on psychiatric symptoms and propensity to leave a job and of (b) psychiatric symptoms on propensity to leave a job and the (c) moderating effects of locus of control and social support on the relationships of job stress to psychiatric symptoms and propensity to leave a job were examined. Data collected with questionnaires completed by 526 members of the Chamber of Commerce in a southern state were analyzed using LISREL 7 (Jöreskog & Sörbom, 1988). The results indicate that role overload and role insufficiency positively influenced psychiatric symptoms and that role insufficiency, role ambiguity, and role conflict positively influenced propensity to leave a job. Overall, the moderating effects of locus of control on the relationships of stress variables to psychiatric symptoms and propensity to leave a job were significant, but similar moderating effects for social support were not.