The distribution of breaks produced in both strands of a DNA duplex by the decay of 125I carried by a triplex-forming DNA oligonucleotide was studied at single nucleotide resolution. The 125I atom was located in the C5 position of a single cytosine residue of an oligonucleotide designed to form a triple helix with the target sequence duplex. The majority of the breaks (90%) are located within 10 bp around the decay site. The addition of the free radical scavenger DMSO produces an insignificant effect on the yield and distribution of the breaks. These results suggest that the majority of these breaks are produced by the direct action of radiation and are not mediated by diffusible free radicals. The frequency of breaks in the purine strand was two times higher that in the pyrimidine strand. This asymmetry in the yield of breaks correlates with the geometry of this type of triplex; the C5 of the cytosine in the third strand is closer to the sugar-phosphate backbone of the purine strand. Moreover, study of molecular models shows that the yield of breaks at individual bases correlates with distance from the 125I decay site. We suggest the possible use of 125I decay as a probe for the structure of nucleic acids and nucleoprotein complexes.

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