Mice of a wide variety of inbred strains naturally produce antibody against endogenous ecotropic leukemia viruses (MuLV) (1, 2). This immune response appears to be strain specific, however, since mice of high leukemic strains and mice of some low leukemic strains do not produce appreciable amounts of antibody against MuLV. The failure of mice of high leukemic strains to produce antibody against MuLV is not the result of immunologic tolerance induced by persistent viral replication, since F1 hybrids of mice of high and low leukemia strains produce high titers of antiviral antibody (3, 4). Recently, we have described that the immune nonresponsiveness of AKR mice is genetically controlled by an immune response (Ir) gene in the IXth linkage group (3). We describe here a similar observation with mice of the high leukemic PL strain, thus suggesting that a genetically controlled immune nonresponsiveness to MuLV may be a general characteristic of mice of high leukemic strains.