Summary. The genetic structure of the bovine major histocompatibility complex (MHC) was investigated using the lymphocyte microcytotoxicity test for class I typing and the mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC) assay for class II typing. Using locally produced alloantisera and antisera from the Third International BoLA Workshop, 14 class I BoLA-A locus alleles were identified in the study population, a single herd of approximately 700 Holstein-Friesian cattle. Eleven of these were alleles recognized in the International Workshop and three were new alleles. An MLC titration assay was employed in conjunction with class I typing to define BoLA haplotypes and identify BoLA complex homozygotes. An embryo transfer family consisting of eight full sibling cattle including one BoLA complex homozygote was produced by half sibling mating. Five other BoLA complex homozygotes were subsequently identified in the herd. Six MLC defined class II haplotypes investigated in detail were designated BoLA-D1, D2, D3, D4, D5 and D7. BoLA-D1 was associated with the class I specificity BoLA-Aw6, D2 with Aw6 and the new class I specificity Ac3, D3 with Aw6 and Aw11, D4 with Aw10, D5 with Aw31 and Aw11, and D7 with Aw20. The discovery of four groups of class I identical-class II disparate haplotypes, and three pairs of class I disparate-class II identical haplotypes indicates the presence of considerable complexity in the BoLA complex that is not detected using class I serology.