Activities of liver mitochondrial and peroxisomal fatty acid oxidation enzymes in rats fedtrans fat

The effect oftrans fat on the activities of liver mitochondrial and peroxisomal fatty acid oxidation enzymes was examined in various strains of rats. When Wistar and Sprague-Dawley rats were fed for 30 days diets containing either olive oil or partially hydrogenated corn oil as a source ofcis-ortrans-octadecenoate, respectively, the activities of various enzymes of mitochondrial and peroxisomal β-oxidation measured withcis- andtrans-9-octadecenoic acid as substratese showed little dietary fatdependent change. In Fischer 344 rats, feedingtrans fat for 15 mo increased only moderately various enzymes of β-oxidation except for carnitine acyltransferase. The rate of mitochondrial ketogenesis and the activity of carnitine acyltransferase measured withtrans-9-octadecenoic acid as a substrate were about half those with thecis-counterpart. Peroxisomes oxidizedtrans-9-octadecenoyl-CoA at a rate comparable to thecis-counterpart. It was concluded from this study and previous ones that the difference in the geometry of dietary fatty acid had only a marginal effect in modulating the hepatic fatty acid oxidation system, in spite of marked differences in the metabolic behavior ofcis-andtrans fatty acid in cell-free preparations and perfused liver.