Endocarditis or endarteritis occurs rather commonly in patients having congenital cardiac defects. Those having a patent ductus arteriosus or interventricular septal defect are especially susceptible to these complications.1Examples of endarteritis and septicemia produced by other arteriovenous fistulas are rare. The first patient in the latter category to be cured after operation was reported by Rienhoff and Hamman2in 1935. A second patient cured by operation was reported by Touroff3and his associates in 1942. The latter authors were able to find five additional nonoperative cases in the literature. Since the publication of this report three additional cases4have been published in which a cure has followed operative treatment. The following report makes a total of 10 cases thus far reported; it is the sixth case in which a cure has followed operation, and the first in which a lateral suture of the fistula was done.