Self-waveguided blue light emission in p-sexiphenyl crystals epitaxially grown by mask-shadowing vapor deposition

Highly polarized and self-waveguided blue light emission was observed in oriented organic crystals of p-sexiphenyl (6P). The 6P molecules were epitaxially grown in needlelike crystals with a submillimeter length by mask-shadowing vapor deposition on the KCl (001) surface. In the crystals, the molecular axes are oriented parallel to the [110] direction of the KCl substrate and perpendicular to the needle axis of the crystal. Under ultraviolet excitation, the blue light emission was confined within the crystal and self-waveguided along the needle axis with the transverse-electric mode, then radiated from the tips of the needles. This self-waveguided emission in the crystal was based on the uniaxially oriented transition dipoles which lay on the KCl surface and were aligned perpendicular to the needle axis in the crystal.