Properties of SYNROC-D nuclear waste form: a state-of-the-art reivew

SYNROC is a titanate-based ceramic waste form being developed to immobilize high-level nuclear reactor wastes. SYNROC-D is a unique variation of SYNROC designed to contain high-level defense wastes, particularly those in storage at the Savannah River Plant (SRP). In this report, we review results from physical property and performance tests on SYNROC-D containing simulated SRP wastes. These results provide a data base for comparing SYNROC-D with other defense waste forms. The test data are grouped into three categories: (1) waste loading, (2) mechanical and thermal properties, (3) leach resistance. We also examine the possible effects of radiation damage on SYNROC during long-term storage in a geologic repository. The test data were collected from a series of SYNROC-D samples prepared as part of a comparative testing program initiated by Savannah River Laboratory. These samples were prepared by conventional ceramic hot-pressing techniques and then characterized by x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and electron microprobe analysis. Whenever possible, standardized test procedures were used for evaluating the waste form properties. For example, leach rates were measured using the Material Characterization Center's (MCC) standard MCC-1 and MCC-2 tests. 66 references

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