Atmospheric neutrinos with three flavor mixing

We analyze the atmospheric neutrino data in the context of three flavor neutrino oscillations taking account of the matter effects in the Earth. With the hierarchy among the vacuum mass eigenvalues μ32μ22>~μ12, the solution of the atmospheric neutrino problem depends on δ31=μ32μ12 and the 13 and 23 mixing angles φ and ψ. Whereas the sub-GeV atmospheric neutrino data imposes only a lower limit on δ31>103eV2, the zenith-angle-dependent suppression observed in the multi-GeV data limits δ31 from above also. The allowed regions of the parameter space are strongly constrained by the multi-GeV data. Combined with our earlier solution to the solar neutrino problem which depends on δ21=μ22μ12 and the 12 and 13 mixing angles ω and φ, we have obtained the ranges of values of the five neutrino parameters which solve both the solar and the atmospheric neutrino problems simultaneously.